Tuesday, December 18, 2007

50 Ways To Leave Your Liver

My friend recently scored some DVDs of The Muppet Show.

Sure enough, we all gathered at his house and watched some classic episodes.

As a child, I was too young to appreciate the show's humour and it's homage to vaudeville. Many years later, I get a second chance. What's unique about this show was that the characters were geared towards children; while the comedy was geared towards adults.

Here's a perfect example:

The Hek

*It's time to start the music: Episode 64 of the Audio Circus*


Suburban Sheepdog said...

I must not be very bright because I still don't get it despite watching it twice.

Liver hmm. alcohol?


Eric Rosenhek said...

Paul Simon has a song called "50 Ways to leave your lover."

Aren't you a Paul Simon fan?

Anonymous said...

My god that's brilliant.

- Mr. Wood