Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tonight, American Idol will crown its season five champion. Experts are predicting that the new idol will be Taylor Hicks, a 29-year-old with silver hair and lots of spunk. Normally, I would spend my Tuesday and Wednesday nights watching the show. However, I have missed many of this year's episodes. There is only one logical explanation: The Hek is officially board of American Idol. Season one was special because the show was a unique concept; season two was awesome because of the talent they had; season three was not bad; and, season four was okay but the intrigue and excitement was gone. Season five does have its moments but I feel the show has lost its uniqueness and has simply become redundant. The question now is will have I the same feelings for Canadian Idol which begins its fourth season very shortly.

The Hek's Podcasts

As you probably can tell, I have not made any new experimental podcasts. That's simply because my voice is not quite 100% just yet. In the mean time, I checked out the website Feedburner, which offers free RSS subscriber feeds for blogs and podcasts. You might have noticed the new icons that have appeared on this page. This blog now has a its own RSS feed as well as RSS feeds for anyone who uses the personalized pages provided by Yahoo, Google and AOL (My Yahoo, My Google, etc.). Every time I make a new entry, a portion of the physical text will go to the personalized page. If you decide you want to read more, you click on the link and it gives you the full entry. It's essentially a way for you to get the new content without having to always check the actual blog to see if I made a new entry. Ain't technology great?!

The Hek

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